Friday, October 16, 2020

Arabic Noorani Wealth Power Black Stone Ring.


This Arabic Taveez Ring will fulfill your entire Good wish

It attracts wealth, power for you and removes your failures.

This ring is extremely powerful Quran Ayath infused & Charged  inside to control all universal plant and its effect.

Have you not seen that Allah has subjected for you whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth, and has lavished His favours upon you, both seen and unseen.(Quran Sura Luqman Ayath 20)

It also protects you from the bad effect of earth like, Earth Quake, Flood, Fire, thunder storm etc.  

No man can overpower over the wearers of this ring.

World power full magician will surrender to wearers of this ring. 

“So the magicians fell down in prostration, declaring, “We believe in the Lord of Aaron and Moses” 

(Quran –Sura TaHa Ayath 70)

Black magic, curses, hexes will not affect the person who wears this ring.

All wild animals become merciful and cool behavior towards wearers of this ring.

All creatures willingly and unwillingly compassionate to wearers of this ring.


Contact: E -Mail Id:

Red Stone Ring Jinn under control.

 All kind of Jin even Shaytan (Devil/Evil /Demon) Jinn under control Red Stone Ring.

Every item from this exclusive Spiritual & Mystical  collection  is for serious seekers of the Spiritual & Mystical  and wonder full Mystical world. For those believers who 
really want to own a true Djinn (Genie) spirit which  can bring only the most positive results using the power full ayath of Quran.

Those who have no Knowledge about Paranormal and Spiritual world never Buy this Items. You cannot Control it.Who are looking for limitless prosperity, Millionaire Lifestyle, Psychic Visions and have power.

This Arabic Taveez Red stone Ring attracts wealth, good luck, for you. Will fulfill its purpose, and obey you.                                                                                              

Guardian of the Ring is Angels over the Charge of Jin. Below quran ayath infused & charged  inside the Ring.

 The command of God has come, so do not rush it. Glory be to Him; exalted above what they associate.

He sends down the angels with the Spirit by His command, upon whom He wills of His servants: “Give warning that there is no god but me, and fear me.” (Quran Sura- Al Nahl- ayath 1-2)

Very Strict Instruction to wear this ring:

Ø  Only when you are in clean and ablution (Wudhu) status. 

a(Ablution (Wudhu) is the ritual washing performed by Muslim before Prayer)


Ø  Never Break Instruction even for one second when you wear the Ring you are in to Spiritual realm and all kind of Jin even Shaytan (Devil/Evil/Demon) Jinn under your control.

Ø  Send Salam To Prophet Sulaiman A.S. & Hazrath Dawood. A.S.( He Have authority over all kind of Jin, Dijinn)

“So, We subjected to him the wind, it blew gently to his order whither-so-ever he willed - and also the devils from the jinns (including) every kind of builder and diver,   (made we subservient), And others linked together in chains”, (Quran - Sura Sad Ayath 36-38).

 Ask Prophet Sulaiman A.S.  Permission to do good work only.

And read below ayath.

Hatha AAataona faomnun aw amsik bighayri hisabin

"This is our gift, therefore give or withhold no account will be asked." (Quran Sura Sad Ayath -39)

Note: As per request you can order as per Your Ring size and Stone colour it take 2 days’ time to prepare after your order and 1 to 2 week to delivery.

  This is being sold for Spiritual purposes only.

Contact link below:


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Wonder full & Mystical Gem Stones.

Hessonite Garnet( Gomed)  Gem stone 

Gomed gemstone governs the planet Rahu

 Wealth bringing Gem stone and it will remove the money blockages and open the opportunity of wealth bringing. Wearer of this ring will get blessed by Wealth and Happiness.

 It will enhance confidence. Stability as well as positive energy in to wears

 This also helps fight enemies and remove fear, will get benefits in setting disputes.

Black magic or curses based hexes will not be able to work when a wears of a Gomed (Hessonite)  gemstone ring.

Hessonite gem stone is very powerful stone. It is similar to Blue Sapphire gem stone.

 Wears of this ring have everything their heart desires. It is good for those suffering from allergies,

 skin, disorder, piles, epilepsy, infection of the eyes, cold, sinus infection, fatigue, insomnia and normalize blood pressure.

Contact for Hessonite Gem stone ( Gomed ) Ring @ E-mail:-


Spiritual power Ring of Destroying Evil Force.

  Ring of Destroying. Item Description:- These are a unique and extreme Spiritual power Taweez ring. All the evil entity on earth will s...