Friday, October 16, 2020

Arabic Noorani Wealth Power Black Stone Ring.


This Arabic Taveez Ring will fulfill your entire Good wish

It attracts wealth, power for you and removes your failures.

This ring is extremely powerful Quran Ayath infused & Charged  inside to control all universal plant and its effect.

Have you not seen that Allah has subjected for you whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth, and has lavished His favours upon you, both seen and unseen.(Quran Sura Luqman Ayath 20)

It also protects you from the bad effect of earth like, Earth Quake, Flood, Fire, thunder storm etc.  

No man can overpower over the wearers of this ring.

World power full magician will surrender to wearers of this ring. 

“So the magicians fell down in prostration, declaring, “We believe in the Lord of Aaron and Moses” 

(Quran –Sura TaHa Ayath 70)

Black magic, curses, hexes will not affect the person who wears this ring.

All wild animals become merciful and cool behavior towards wearers of this ring.

All creatures willingly and unwillingly compassionate to wearers of this ring.


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