Monday, November 27, 2023

Dijnn and Khodam Master Extreme Power Ring.


Item Description:

 This item is a far more powerful version of the Khodam & Dijinn control Ring.

 This Ring is useful for those conducting research on Hunted items or Hunted places.

 This ring is only for those who have practice spirituality and are familiar with the jinn entity.

 Jinn and Spirit are unable to flee the keeper.

 This is one of the most strong and charged with power verses in the Quran.


“ See you not that to Allah prostrates whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the mountains and the trees, and moving living creatures, beasts and many of mankind.” (Quran-Surah- – Al- Hajj-ayat-18)

 With full obedience, the wearer or custodian of this ring will be able to catch Dijin, Khodam and Spirit.

 These Rings are very rare and powerful Treasures that will grant you immense power over the Jinn monster.


 Keeper of this Ring is always superior over every Dijin, khodam, or Spirit that surrounds him/her.

 “They (Jinn) worked for him (Prophet Sulaiman) what he desired (making) high rooms, images, basins, as large as reservoirs”, (Quran-Surah -Saba- Ayat- 13)

 This ring has been instilled and charged with highly powerful Quran verses, as well as demands and orders to obey the master.

 Dijnn has no chance of escape his/her master until he/she order him to go.

 Keeping and wearing this ring bestows control over all unseen creatures.

 “And we know that we cannot escape from Allah in the earth, nor can we escape by flight.

(Surah- Al-Jinn-ayat-12)

 The keeper will become a dijinn master without any spiritual understanding if he or she wears this ring.

 Any sort of Dijnn will follow the keeper's orders.

 Check my full collection of Wonder full Mystical Gem Rings & taweez power.

  If you would like to purchase, please email:-

The first  link rate may be higher if you purchase through my link than if you purchase directly.

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