Saturday, May 8, 2021

Khodam and Jinn Control Ring.


All kind of Khodam, Jinn, Spirit, Angels, under control of one who wears or keeps this Ring of power.

For those believe who really want a true Jinn (Genie) sprit which can bring only the positive work using the power of this ring of control.

This Ring is for one who keeps any kind of spirit items and paranormal items.


Who are looking for psychic vision and power have this ring of Power.

 It will protect you from aggressive spirit and guide you alert you when dangers.

 Guardian angels of the verses will always protect the keeper of spirit when the spirit or Jinn will try to do any harm or disobey the keeper.


The Khodam, jinn, Dijinn, spirit will fulfill its purpose and always obey the keeper.

of this ring of power.

 Commanded the King Khodam with the command of powerful verses. It will never disobey the keeper.

 This Ring of power will help you to gain power over any kind of Spirit, jinn, Dijinn, Khodam without any spiritual knowledge or practice.


This Ring will find and full all kind of sprit to keeper for his service and all spirit will obey without any effort.

 This power ring of control will make all spirit work for you remove all difficult tasks

 “Have you not seen that Allah has subjected for you whatever is in the heavens and whatever  is on the earth and has lavished His favors upon you, both seen and unseen”.( SuraLuqman-ayath 20).

 All kind of earthly spirit, of  khodam, Jinn, Dijinn and Angels of the Verses will obey the keeper. and even spirit of the first sky also obeys the keeper of this Control ring.

 “See you not that Allah has subjected to you (Mankind) all that is on the earth”. ( Sura Al-Hajj-ayath 65)

 This jinn control power ring is commanded 7000 times to obey the master/keeper.

 Most powerful angels of the verses who control all kind of jinn spirit under the instruction of god is in charge of this ring (Infused the verses in Ring)

  “There were Jinns that worked in front of Him( Prophet Sulaiman) by the leave of his lord,and whosoever of them turned aside from our command, we shall cause him( Jinn) to taste of the torment of the blazing fire ( Sura- Saba ayath 12).


 When you wear the Ring you are in to Spiritual realm and all kind of Jinn, Khodam, Angels and even Shaytan (Devil/Evil /Demon) Jinn under your control. 


Instruction to wear this ring will send you through E- Mail.

Only Limited Items are available based on Order and Request.



Standard small package with tracking number and it will take 7 -10 business days.

Guarantee Policy

100% Satisfaction if you follow the instruction correctly.

Check my full collection of Wonder full Mystical Gem Rings and Taweez.

If you would like to purchase, please email

The first link rate may be higher if you purchase through my link than if you purchase directly.

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