Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Six senses Awakening Power Ring.

 The Psychic way is open through the inner eye.

 There are numerous theories and research studies on the third eye and how to open it. The majority theories place the third eye on the top of the forehead; however the Quran says  it on the heart. Actually, that is the truth, and the correct third eye is on the heart, not somewhere else.


" Have they not traveled through the land so their heart may reason, and their ears may listen? Indeed, it is not the eyes taht are blind, but it is the heart in the chest that grow blind.
 ( Quran-Sura-Al-Hajj-ayat-46).

There are other ways to activate it, including prayer, meditation, midnight prayer (Tahajjud prayer),
and fasting on specific days and month other then Ramadan. However, if you consistently put in the effort,it will take more than 20 to 40 years. 

Then how can we open the third eye in a very simple method, this is where the Taweez Ring comes in, but what is the danger when you open your third eye? (6th Sense).

You've lost interest in the world.
your perspective on each issue will shift. you can look each situation in a different way than the average person. 

People will refer to you as crazy.

What are the Benefits?
you will be able to sense entities other than humans on Earth.

Six senses will be awake.

you can detect threats from distance.

You have a through  understanding of all subjects, which is advantageous to you and your family.

What your third eye sees will provide you with complete insight in to the situation.

You will be surround by a bright Aura that will protect you from dark energy.

All fear on the planet will vanish, and you will have no fear of any being human or other.

Humans and jinn have the power to open the third eye and perceive the world reality; if they are unable to do so, they will be slaves of all knowledgeable people and may be misled in all matters.

according to the Quran

 "Indeed we have destined many jinn and human for Hell. They have heart they do not understand with, eyes they do not see with, and ears they do not hear with. they are like cattle. In fact, they are even less guided! Such people are entirely heedless". ( Sura -Araf -ayat-179) . 

That's why Imam Ali. (A.S.) Said " Eyesight it useless if the insight is blind".

Another hint comes from the narrative of Sura-Yusuf, when Yakoob A.S. (Jacob’s children)’s told his father lie about their brother Yusuf’s death. 

“They said: “O our father! We went racing with one another, and left Yusuf (Joseph) with our things: and the wolf devoured him. But listening this matter and seeing Yusuf shirt having false blood on it Prophet Yakoob (AS) Said “Nay, but your minds have made up a tale. Then he opt for patience”. 
(Sura-Yusuf -ayah 17-18).

He saw Yusuf’s bloodstained shirt, which his sons had brought to fabricate a story. Even though Prophet Yakoob (Jacob) A.S. saw Yusuf’s Blood Stained shirt with his eyes, his inner Eye (third –Eye-Eye of the Heart) was not blind to belive the falsification of their son’s Story.


Then Jacob (Yakoob) said “Nay, but ye have yourselves contrived a story for you. So patience is most fitting for me. May Allah will bring them back all to me. For He is indeed full of Knowledge and wisdom. And he turned away from them, and said: “How great is my grief for Joseph!” And his eyes became white with sorrow”. (Sura- Yusuf –ayat-83-84)

Yakoob (Jacob) A.S. had lost his vision. However, the Eye of the Heart, his Insight, is not blind. It still witnessed the reality and proved the existence of his son Yusuf. That is why he told his sons, “Allah will bring them all back to me”.

 Prophet Iesa (Jesus) (A.S) said:

"I can tell you about what you eat and what you store in your houses". (Sura-Aali -Imran ayath 49)

This all reveals the truth that there is a third Eye, however it is located in the heart rather than the forehead.  Sura -Al –Hajj –ayat number -46 in the Quran offers proof of this. It is up to the individual who rejects the truth.

We cannot see the images of Heaven and Hell in the Quran with our own eyes, but we can imagine how they would be as described, in Hadith, and our third eye can view the description as they are.

Important Notice To buyers:

My products are all one-of- a –kind and made from powerful Quran verses



Standard small package with tracking number and it will take 10 -17 business days.

Guarantee Policy.

If you follow the instructions correctly, you will have 100 percent satisfaction.

Special Note: -

 You can get a taweez locket or a taweez ring (Ring size you to provide –Ring may differ based on availability of colors and size.

Check my full collection of Wonder full Mystical Gem Rings & taweez.






  If you would like to purchase, please email:-    uk074117@gmail.com

The first  link rate may be higher if you purchase through my Etsy.com link than if you purchase directly.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Ring Power of Astral Travel

Physical travel to other star or planets via dreams (Astral travel) Dreams allow you to have an out-of body -experience. 

Your soul will be separated from your physical body and will roam through the astral cosmos.



"it is He, who takes your souls by night (When you are asleep), and has knowledge of all that you have done by day, then he raises ( Wakes) you up again that a term appointed ( your life period) be fulfill".

( Quran -Sura-Al-Anam-ayat-60). 

Our soul will lose its ability to fly outside the cosmos as a result of the stress in our lives, and it will not be able to do so. Feelings of happiness and dreams are unavailable due to our minds are completely clueless to the stress of day -to day living.

A person can experience  physical travel while sleeping (Through dreams) by gaining power to our spiritual Astral Travel Taweez Ring. this taweez force allow for spiritual astral and out of body sensations. 

" The Angels and Ruh (Jibrael (Gabriel) ascend to Him in a Day measure whereof is fifty thousand years". ( Sura-Al-Maarij-ayat-4)

People of the older generation practiced mediation and self -hypnosis for many years to gain the astral travel sensations.  our body aura that connects the soul is an intermediate between Earth and Heaven. Planets and stars surround you, Angels, demons, and ghosts were believed to travel these astral pathways.

As per my opinion practicing astral travel out of body experience through meditation is dangerous because if it comes in to contact with demons or spirits, it may become trapped in the Demon's traffic, making it impossible to return to the soul to body.

This taweez ring will offer a power wing to the person's soul, allowing him to travel about -out of -body experience while sleeping and return to normalcy when wake up.

Through dreams, your soul has the opportunity to encounter all spirits in the first Sky and other dimensions. 

" And we have sought to reach the first sky (Heaven); but found it filled with guards (Angels) and flaming fires". "And verily we used to sit there in stations, to ( steal) a hearing but any who listens now will find a flaming fire watching him in ambush". ( Quran -Sura- Al-Jinn-ayat-8:9).

Benefits of this Ring:- 

Serenity in to physical life.

Light weight body feelings.

The journey will be smooth and quick.

Consciousness outside the body.

Get lucid dream experience.

Feel Regular out of body experience.


Increase positive thinking.

Gain confidence in life.

Overcome fear of death.

Real experience of  visualization out of body travel.

Feel everything is pleasant.

Gain better understanding of the spiritual world.

Meet a spiritual guide or Angel on dream.

Multidimensional experience.

 Check my full collection of Wonder full Mystical Gem Rings & taweez.








 If you would like to purchase, please email:-    uk074117@gmail.com

The first  link rate may be higher if you purchase through my Etsy.com link than if you purchase directly.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Jinn Ring of Buer Jinn of teaches Herbs and plant Medicine.


This wonders full Antique bronze  Ring has been attached with Buer Jinn it is one of the Spirit (out of 72 diJinn group)  He has control over 50 Battalion soldiers of Jinns one battalion equal to  3000 to 6000 soldiers of Jinn.

His appearance is in the form of lion, depending on command given to this Jinn.

And he will teach the keeper secret Herbs Plants, natural philosophy and logical arts once it attached to keeper.


And also it will teach the keeper all kind of Herbal Medicine.

Buerjinn help to heal all kind of diseases for his master.

He gives ideas about secret plant and herbs to heal wound.

Once it will accept the Keeper as his master it will show the place where medicinal herbs and plant was hidden. 


This spirit is obedient to his master by his nature.

This powerful Jinn (Genie) only can bind with the command of powerful verses.

“See you not that Allah has subjected to you (mankind) all that is on the earth,” ( Sura Al-Hajj-Ayath -65).


This Jinn Ring is commanded 5000 Times to obey the master.Obey me.

This Ring is good for Herbalist who can master in herbal secret medicine.

This Jinn Ring is good for who are in search of Herb which give fast healing and give good health to human kind.

This Jinn Ring is good for Herbal Medicine Company to gain name and fame

This Jinn Ring is good for who are in marketing Herbal Medicine.

This Ring is good for Cosmetic Company and cosmetic Market to bring name and fame in the globe.

This Ring is good for Perfume making company to get name and fame in the market for their product.   



These Buer jinn once come under your control it will gift his keeper all kind of secret herbal medicine..Keeper willbecome master in herbal medicine.

Buer Jinn Make him/her (his/her Master) a Great Herbalist in the world it will give idea about herbal medicine for particular diseases.

 Contact for Instruction: uk074117@gmail.com


Standard small package with tracking number and it will take 4 -15 business days.

Check my full collection of Wonder full Mystical Gem Rings and Taweez.




If you would like to purchase, please email uk074117@gmail.com

The first link rate may be higher if you purchase through my Etsy.com link than if you purchase directly.

King KhodamTaweez Ring.


This Ring/Taweez will give you inner peace and protection.


Keeper of this Taweez wills Stabiles the inner peace and it will make you feel Happy all-time.

This ring is extremely powerful Quran Ayath(Ayat Al Kursi) infused inside to protect you from bad spirit, Kabees Jinn, and devil and evil people.


It also protects you from the bad effect of Earth Quake, Flood, Fire, thunder storm etc. 

No man can overpower over the wearers of this Taweez or Taweezring.

No megicin can bind any one soul to other soul.

Black magic, curses, hexes will not affect the person who wears this ring.


Negative energy and bad spirit not able to come near you.

All wild animals become merciful and cool behavior towards wears of this ring.

(Salamun (peace) be upon Nuh (Noah) among the Alamin (Mankind, Jinns and all that Exists) (SuraAsSaffat –ayath 79).


All creatures willingly and unwillingly compassionate to wearers of this ring.

This taweez will create protective circle around you always and no bad frequency vibrate your inner Aura and inner Peace.

All your inner spiritual blockage will release continues wearing thistaweez/ ring.

No matter what disappoint you but your inner peace will never get any effect of emotion.

This Taweez/Ring will help to gain powerful energy from spiritual world.

Once it aligned to you, your inner peace will never get effect.

You Feel peace of mind always.

Universal flow and blessing of higher realmsAngels always around you.

Spiritual KhodamMalikuKandiyasa- will assists through this Taweez

.This Ring/Taweez is extraordinarily power full and can be wear only when one can follow the instruction as described on the items.

 This is a unique and powerful Taweez /Ring to help one inner peace.



Standard small package with tracking number and it will take 7 -10 business days.

Guarantee Policy

100% Satisfaction if you follow the instruction correctly.

Check my full collection of Wonder full Mystical Gem Rings and Taweez.






If you would like to purchase, please email uk074117@gmail.com

The first link rate may be higher if you purchase through my Etsy.com link than if you purchase directly.

Khodam and Jinn Control Ring.


All kind of Khodam, Jinn, Spirit, Angels, under control of one who wears or keeps this Ring of power.

For those believe who really want a true Jinn (Genie) sprit which can bring only the positive work using the power of this ring of control.

This Ring is for one who keeps any kind of spirit items and paranormal items.


Who are looking for psychic vision and power have this ring of Power.

 It will protect you from aggressive spirit and guide you alert you when dangers.

 Guardian angels of the verses will always protect the keeper of spirit when the spirit or Jinn will try to do any harm or disobey the keeper.


The Khodam, jinn, Dijinn, spirit will fulfill its purpose and always obey the keeper.

of this ring of power.

 Commanded the King Khodam with the command of powerful verses. It will never disobey the keeper.

 This Ring of power will help you to gain power over any kind of Spirit, jinn, Dijinn, Khodam without any spiritual knowledge or practice.


This Ring will find and full all kind of sprit to keeper for his service and all spirit will obey without any effort.

 This power ring of control will make all spirit work for you remove all difficult tasks

 “Have you not seen that Allah has subjected for you whatever is in the heavens and whatever  is on the earth and has lavished His favors upon you, both seen and unseen”.( SuraLuqman-ayath 20).

 All kind of earthly spirit, of  khodam, Jinn, Dijinn and Angels of the Verses will obey the keeper. and even spirit of the first sky also obeys the keeper of this Control ring.

 “See you not that Allah has subjected to you (Mankind) all that is on the earth”. ( Sura Al-Hajj-ayath 65)

 This jinn control power ring is commanded 7000 times to obey the master/keeper.

 Most powerful angels of the verses who control all kind of jinn spirit under the instruction of god is in charge of this ring (Infused the verses in Ring)

  “There were Jinns that worked in front of Him( Prophet Sulaiman) by the leave of his lord,and whosoever of them turned aside from our command, we shall cause him( Jinn) to taste of the torment of the blazing fire ( Sura- Saba ayath 12).


 When you wear the Ring you are in to Spiritual realm and all kind of Jinn, Khodam, Angels and even Shaytan (Devil/Evil /Demon) Jinn under your control. 


Instruction to wear this ring will send you through E- Mail.

Only Limited Items are available based on Order and Request.

Contact: uk074117@gmail.com


Standard small package with tracking number and it will take 7 -10 business days.

Guarantee Policy

100% Satisfaction if you follow the instruction correctly.

Check my full collection of Wonder full Mystical Gem Rings and Taweez.






If you would like to purchase, please email uk074117@gmail.com

The first link rate may be higher if you purchase through my Etsy.com link than if you purchase directly.

Friday, May 7, 2021

The Ring of Charisma


This Taweez Ring will bring charismatic appearance to keeper.

It will give the wearer the charisma and leadership appearance

Keeper of this taweez ring will get Respect and Dignity around society and place where he/she goes

This Taweez ring will remove all External Harm full force..

This Taweez Ring will bring you fresh and Young look.

In the Crowd you look different look and identified as Charismatic.

Keeper of this Taweez ring create  Charismatic Aura around his/her Surroundings.


It will activate your natural abilities to attract to win positive beauty vibes.

It will make wearer become absolutely attractive and charismatic leader in life.

“Then when they (women’s) saw him, they exalted him (at his beauty) No man is this! This is none other than a noble Angel!” (Sura- Yusuf ( Joseph) ayath 31).


In the globe your charisma will attract to people and they become your fans.


The method to make this taweez so powerful and fast effective, were specific verses infused and charged in it.


Standard small package with tracking number and it will take 6 -20 business days other country. Or else 6 business days.

Guarantee Policy

100% Satisfaction if you follow the instruction correctly.

Custom made Taweez are available. Please ask for availability

Check my full collection of Mystical Gem Rings & Taweez.






If you would like to purchase, please email uk074117@gmail.com

The first link rate may be higher if you purchase through my Etsy.com link than if you purchase directly.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Four corner protection Taweez for Remove Evil energies and sprit from Home and surroundings.

 At most evil entity removal from four corners of your house and surroundings. 

Total protection to your four corners of House

All kind of evil spirit  and dark energy will not able to enter you house. 

This four corner protection taweez will create protection aura around the building.


Jjinn, evil energy will not enter your house.It will remove all kind of black magic around your location. It will make the black magic entity powerless.

Jinn, devil, dark energy cannot fly over roof of your house.Bring peace to your family with great protection in side your house.


 Very Strict Instruction to keep this Taweez:

 Never keep this in impure and dirty Places. 

Tie this taweez on four corner of your house on the top of roof side.

Taweez should not fell down on ground at most care should be taken while tie it on top.

The person who tie this taweez should and must have Ablution (Wuzu) is the ritual washing performed by Muslim before 5 times Prayer.

The four corners should be very clean.


Standard small package with tracking number and it will take 4 -14 business days other country. Or else 6 business days.

Guarantee Policy

100% Satisfaction if you follow the instruction correctly.

Custom made Taweez are available. Please ask for availability 

Check my full collection of Mystical Gem Rings & Taweez.


If you would like to purchase, please email uk074117@gmail.com

The first link rate may be higher if you purchase through my Etsy.com link than if you purchase directly.

Obtain Visa Quickly

  Item Description   This taweez will assist you in obtaining a visa to visit to another nation.   You will be able to obtain a proper v...